A Helping Hand- Special Education Needs

"We must prepare our learners for their future, not for our past." Thornburg (2000)

Thursday, July 13, 2006

Alan November Summary

ICT Leader: Alan November
Location: Marblehead, Massachusetts, USA.

Description of Work

Alan November possesses a Masters degree in Education. He is considered one of the industry’s foremost leaders in educational technology. He began his career as a teacher of Oceanography and Algebra. He continued through experiences such as counselor, computer coordinator, Director of an alternative high school, a technology consultant, and university lecturer. As a practitioner, designer, and author, Alan guides schools, government agencies, and industry leaders to improve the quality of their ICT programs. He has spoken around the world. He has written many articles that have been published regarding ICT. Alan also has his own business called November Learning, Inc.

Leadership Qualities

Alan, like other leaders in the field of ICT, holds many interests. In my research, I read that he integrates humour and wit into his work to in his work to inspire others. He remains active in the field, sharing his knowledge with others via various speaking engagements throughout the world.

Philosophy of Learning

Alan has culminated his life experiences to get him to the point to which he is at today. Alan is a life-long learner who has many areas of expertise. By using his humour and wit, he is able to reach audiences from around the world. The focus of Alan’s work is that of applying technology to improve learning. Through the many branches of his life’s work, Alan attempts to help others in their quest to conquer ICT issues.

How I Can Apply this To My Role

I am a life-long learner who has had many previous life experiences. I share the same philosophy as Alan, of how technology can improve learning. I can use Alan’s example of persistence in life to achieve my personal and professional goals as he has. The most important facet of research I discovered about Alan was to use humour. I guess it is true that you can reach many more people when you are light hearted and positive, rather than being difficult and critical. A motto to live by.


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